Current Projects

Generation 17 warehouse-Jouf, Tabuk, Arar and Qurayyat – Ministry of Health

Establishment of public administration buildings – The presidency of the National Guard

Generation dormitories and Saraya leaders to the new entrants in Dirab – The presidency of the National Guard

Create housing workers Alwagh Hospital – Phase 1 – General Directorate of Health Affairs in Tabuk

Establishment of workers housing Alwagh hospital – Stage 2 – General Directorate of Health Affairs in Tabuk

Establishment of a dental center at King Fahd Hospital – General Directorate of Health Affairs in Tabuk

Create housing workers – Tabuk hospital – General Directorate of Health Affairs in Tabuk

The development of birth and Childrens Hospital in Tabuk – General Directorate of Health Affairs in Tabuk

Construction and equipping of 7 health centers – Jawf region – The Directorate General of Health Affairs in Al-Jouf

Generation 9 health centers – The General Directorate of Health Affairs Al Ehsaa

The establishment of 13 health center in Tabuk – Directorate General of Health Affairs in Tabuk

Generation 3 Towers coastal region of Tabuk – Border Guards

Generation of Environmental Health Laboratory honestly Tabuk – Tabuk Municipality

Improve and beautify the entrances in Tabuk – Tabuk Municipality

Establishment of four multi-purpose rooms – King Saud University

Attribution Training Unit and National Guard military doctrine – The presidency of the National Guard

Renovations project National Guard – khasm Alan 603 608 – The presidency of the National Guard

Generation banquet hall and the restoration of the womens department & the public site status – Ministry of Social Affairs